It has been a whirlwind three weeks with Mom visiting from SLC. Let me just tell you all that this is one incredible woman. All 84 years and 100 pounds of my little mother. She is simply an amazing woman. We do get on each other's nerves.........yes we do...............but we quickly get over it. It is quite a contest to see which of us is really the boss when we are together. I think we are at a toss up. Actually she lets me win once in a while to preserve my self image.
We have had some really fun talks and laughs. We shopped until we could only drag our tired bodies home. As we wandered around Culpeper, we found a quaint cafe with homemade cherry pie and you can't beat that. There is no one who appreciates some of the finer possibilities of life more than my mom. She has taught me to appreciate and enjoy life too.
Here are some of the other lessons from MOM.
1. She always wanted me to put my best foot forward -- even if that foot hurt.
2. She gave me the courage and confidence to be and try anything and everything.
3. Mother taught me to enjoy even the mundane humors of life and to especially to learn to laugh at myself.
4. She taught us always to honor our grandparents and father. She engendered in our family a fierce family loyalty and pride.
5. She always told me that my brothers and sister would always be my best friends.
They are..........
6. Mom gave me a life long love of reading that started at a very young age. I loved going to literary club with her occasionally. What a great gift.
7. Mother also taught me to look for life lessons in all that I do. She believes you can learn something from everyone.
8. Mother taught me to be thrifty. She wanted us to stretch our dollars.
9. Mother always taught me the value of hard work and the value of a job well done.
10. I wish I had learned her ability to never procastinate. I'm still working on that one.
There are so many other lessons I've learned from my mom. She has always been a great example to me. I can see her in my minds eye kneeling at her bedside. I still catch her there.
My mom is the best. Growing problem. She still thinks I'm a kid. The rest of you should be so lucky.
I sure love my mom!
We sure love Gramma Neider! We have also decided that once you are as old as her, you are allowed to say whatever you want...we can't wait!
I love the picture of you and Grandma together. A keepsake for sure.
Shelly-Our grandmother ALWAYS knows exactly what she is doing and saying...age has never mattered ; )
My Mom taught me not to mess with her.
One of my proudest "mother moments"......going to Matt's preschool Mother's Day program to see a list of names and the one thing their mothers had taught them. Ha Ha Ha. By Matt's name, he said his mother taught him not to mess with her. The teachers thought it was so cute too. Yes, just give me my mothering award.
Wow, you really learned a lot! She is really wonderful. So are you. i love that you could admit that nerves are short everyone in a while. You wouldn't be normal if that never happened! Love you Aunt Andrea!
Cute pictures! Glad you have had a fun time. I wish I'd been to the goodwill store too! Love you!
What fun! Loved your list and I highly agree! Darling pictures.
Love you, Rosy
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