Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cleaning Lady Woes

This is such a dilemna, I don't even know where to begin. I have a cleaning lady, a very nice, cute, about 30 something that cleans for me every other week. I have been very pleased until this month...............then I am such a marshmellow, I can't figure out how to tell about how I am displeased about some items. Then Rich and I stayed home last week on the day she was supposed to clean. (another deer problem with Rich's car -- it was complicated)

We decided to leave before she arrived. So we went to vote and then went to breakfast. Both close to our house. We went on a little road trip later to Charlottesville to give her some more time. When we got back she was still there which was odd. I went in the house and there she was -- with her three children. One was a baby -- nine months or something and the others looked to be 3 and 5. She also had a flat tire which Rich started working on immediately without even going in the house.

Anyway, we left again to let her finish and I wasn't too concerned, but not really feeling all that great about it either. Her babysitter had canceled. (I think it is her mom.)

Later we returned and she was finished and was gone. Then I kept finding very obvious items that had not been cleaned. And..............children evidence. Rich even found a book that had been scribbled in with a red marker that he just started so no other children could have been guilty.

I want to let her go, but I know she needs the money. I'm thinking of telling her that Gabe ask me if she can clean for us. I know that is a big lie -- but I am a coward when it comes to this little mother. Any suggestions?


Channa said...

You are a softie!:) My suggestion would be to first talk to her and let her know specifically what your concerns are, and that if there isn't an obvious and immediate improvement that you'll have to let her go. If cleaning ladies are anything like cheerleaders, sandwiching the concerns in between compliments and chocolate will probably help. Now, all of that said, I quit my last job as a gym's cheer director largely to avoid having to fire a couple of coaches. :) Good luck!

Gina said...

A reigning queen of passive aggressive problem solving, I have to say, just tell her that Gabe is going to be doing the cleaning, and you won't be needing her anymore. It might be a little lie, but in this case, I think it's the easiest way. I mean, for heavens sakes Andrea, a book has been defaced! Action must be taken!

Gina said...

Looking at my last response, I'm embarrassed about all the punctiatuin problems. Please forgive my sloppiness.

Kirstin said...

you ARE the nicest person ever. i feel for you and it does sound frustrating! i don't think you owe her a reason.

Lyf2.0 said...

Tell her you're moving... Everyone else is...

Doug & Robyn Ellis said...

Just tell her that with the holidays coming, you will have tons of family underfoot all the time so there is no reason to clean with so much company. Tell her you'll try and call her after the first of the year when you decide to restart. Then if she calls you after the new year, just tell her you've decided you can handle it but thanks for checking!

Twisted Sister said...

Oooooh. Not fun. Here I was envious of people with cleaning ladies...

I would have a hard time letting her go to. But it would get a little easier to say "you're fired" everytime I had to pay her.

Kirstin said...

so what'd you do? if nothing yet, i really like carrol's suggestion, but you HAVE to pout your lips and say it like the trumpster.

andrea said...

Ok.................she called last night to see if she could come today. I said, "Yes, tomorrow is fine." Well.......I am a coward. I like the company idea and I was thinking after I left home this morning, I should have left her a note telling her I won't be needing her anymore. That is really cowardly, but I will think I will do that two weeks from now.