Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good News!

Good news #1
For those of you who have been worried about the bedspread for the guest room.....your worries are over. The Bedding gods have smiled down on me. Last weekend I found the perfect comforter for the guest room. Love you Ralph Lauren. It was only the 4th one I dragged home, but I knew it was a winner. It is amazing how good new bedding makes a girl feel. So satisfying and just in time for good news #2.

Good news #2
Margo is coming to visit for a couple of days. Her brother is a diver and has award winning photography from his dives. One of his shark photos has been selected to be shown in the Smithsonian. That's quite an honor. It is a smiling shark! The picture is amazing. Anyway, she is meeting him here and then spending a couple of days with me. I am so excited for her visit.

Good news #3

Jeremy, Shelly and fam will be here for Thanksgiving. WOW! We are super excited to have them for a week. I can't wait to hug those little Crowleys. We are going to Uncle Ken's lake house for the big day. Just thinking of family and Grandma Donna's stuffing recipe makes me swoon. I always make the stuffing the day before and put the big bowl on the screened porch. Well, as you know, we have no screen porch. I guess I will have to punt. I love all of the Thanksgiving feast, but the SAGE stuffing is my favorite. You know Jeremy and Shelly live in the raisin capital of America and the first Thanksgiving he shared with her family, Nancy's stuffing had raisins in it. Nancy kept trying to encourage Jeremy to try the stuffing and finally he said, "It's a well known fact that raisins cause cancer. I can't risk it" Ha Ha. I don't like raisins cooked either, except of course in Aunt Renee's raisin filled cookies.

Anyway, it's that gathering time of year. What fun! What fun!


Gina said...

I'm with you sister. I don't know what's up with the cooked raisin adoration in the far west either. I do however love my Grandma Johnsons raisin-filled cookies. I'm also loving the bedspread. Phew! I've had regular heatburn waiting for you to find the right one! Also, a link to said picture would be awesome.

andrea said...

I'm not savy on how to add the link. It is CHAPS. The room is ready for your visit.

Christine said...

Margo is so excited to come and spend time with you and see your new house!

Gina said...

Say no more. I'm as good as there.

Rosy said...

Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful! Maybe Nicole will loan you her "Amazing Race" game we played last year. Oh no, it wouldn't work, unless you now have sheep and a calf.

Hope we see you in December!

erin said...

I love the bedspread, it does look very nice! Have fun with all your visitors.