Saturday, November 1, 2008


So, I've been tagged to put on the 4th pic from the 4th file. Fun idea.

This pic was fun to see. The story: Thanksgiving at the beach with the Eastern Crowleys and Gabe's brother Ches. Of course I am giving instructions to all for the Amazing Race at Nags Head. In the picture you will see...............Me giving directions, Ken Crowley in ball cap, Jordan Crowley, Shannon Crowley with her hand on Tanner's head, Gabe, Melanie (then Baker, now Crowley), Andrew Crowley in the background, the back of Lauren's head, a little boy head of Carsen, held by Shelly, and Matt I think. This was such a fun Thanksgiving. The year 2005. The Amazing Race was won by Jeremy's team. We didn't know it then, but Andrew and Melanie were engaged the next week.

The race was so much fun and I recommend it as an activity on Thanksgiving Day. We had four teams -- each had a Crowley boy and Crowley girl - then we matched up old and young. Each team had the same items to find. They had to take a picture of their team at each place and the first one back to the house won Nags Head Fudge. Wow. One little problem. I asked them to find the red horse with the airplane wings. Well, I am colorblind and the horse is purple. Yes, I heard about that big time.

Okay, I am supposed to tag four others, but I'm not sure anyone reads this. So I will try........

I tag Shelly, Andrew, Gina and Nature Grams.


Kirstin said...

Heeeeeeey, I read it!! :) I love the fun memories at the beach house. You're the coolest for putting together an amazing race game.

Gina said...

I'm so doin this. I've never done a tag before.

Lyf2.0 said...

...and the Brown Team won!

Rosy said...

Love seeing your family and all the fun you have.

Will you send me your email? Love you! Rosy

Twisted Sister said...

Such a great blog Andrea. You had me laughing as I back read from the days my computer was down. Especially loved Jeremy's note...